We have been in prayer for our colleagues, friends, and family in the Eastern US. Such loss and suffering. Please continue to be in prayer. If you are looking to donate, you can do so through Samaritan’s Purse, the American Red Cross, or you can seek out a church in one of the hard hit areas and reach out directly to see if you can help more locally. Even if you cannot donate, please be in prayer.
It has been a busy few weeks for the Faith Community Health Network!
We had an opportunity to partner with another community organization to distribute local produce and fresh frozen chickens to families in need. It was an honor to be able to bless those families! Kiersten Erickson, Health Minister with FCHN is also employed as a Community Health Worker with Crossroads Communities – an amazing organization making a difference in our community and beyond!
Marcy Shanks and Deb Fell-Carlson partnered to deliver information on community health nursing to Linn-Benton Community College 2nd year nursing students. This information will enrich their clinical experience and prepare them to take a deep dive into community health challenges and solutions in an upcoming term. See the article on the poster sessions from last March.
Marcy Shanks and Deb Fell-Carlson represented FCHN at the IHN-CCO Delivery Systems Transformation Pilot Symposium on 10/10/2024. They shared results from the FCHN’s most recent grant, “Faith Communities Engaging Health” and chatted with other community partners who had also gathered to share their results. It was an excellent evening of networking and learning.
Finally, preparations for the 2024 Foundations of Faith Community Nursing and Health Ministry Course are underway and we are excited! Course registration is open for a few more days but we may need to close it if we reach capacity. Sign up today if you are interested in attending! Check out our Foundations Course landing page.