Is a Faith Community Health Ministry in Your Future?

Foundations of Faith Community Nursing and Health Ministry Course

Registration is open for our upcoming Foundations of Faith Community Nursing and Health Ministry Course!

Is a Faith Community Health Ministry in your future?

Did you know that 60% of faith community members surveyed in Linn County, Oregon would seek the advice of a faith community nurse if one were available? Are you called to this nursing practice specialty promoting health and wellness of the mind, body, and spirit?

The course will be ten half-day sessions held on Zoom from 8am – 12:30pm on the following Mondays and Tuesdays in 2025: October 20-21, 2025, October 27-28, 2025, November 3-4, 2025, November 10-11, 2025, November 17-18, 2025. Please also save the date for our in-person graduation/dedication ceremony to honor our graduates on Sunday, November 23, 2025 from 2pm-4pm at a location to be announced later.

Register on our events page starting in mid-February, 2025. You will be asked to fill out an additional form to supplement your Eventbrite registration some time before the start of class. This information is necessary for us to order your books. Course books will be ordered to arrive at least 10 days before the class starts on Monday, October 20, 2025.
Deb Fell-Carlson helping Ron

Who can attend this course?

Event pricing and information

Class attendance policy: Due to ANCC requirements, students must attend all classes. Because of the highly interactive nature of the course, we cannot excuse students except in the case of emergencies (illness, attendance at funerals for next of kin) In those cases, we will allow a student to make up no more than 3 modules by viewing recordings and completing assignments related to those modules. The status of FCN cannot be granted unless the RN student meets these attendance requirements. Please do not register for the course if you’re unable to attend the 10 sessions.

2024 Graduates

Foundations Course Graduates - 2024

2024 Foundations of Faith Community Nursing and Health Ministry Course – From top left: McKayla Powell (FCN), Linn County, OR; Melissa Kingery (FCN), Linn County, OR; Anna Eddleman (FCN), Linn County, OR; Gretchen Koch (FCN), Marion County, OR; Ingrid Siadal (HM), Polk County, OR; Angel Harris (FCN), Benton County, OR; Rachel Jandera (FCN), Marion County, OR; Front row: Jenn Rasor (FCN), Linn County, OR; Diana Cericola (FCN), Lincoln County, OR; Kimberlee Sorci (HM), Linn County, OR

Not pictured: Ciera Agee (FCN), Curry County, OR; Angela Adiska (FCN), Jackson County, MI

2023 Graduates

2023 Graduates

2023 Foundations of Faith Community Nursing and Health Ministry Course – from top left: Tawni Pfaff (FCN), Lead Educator; Deb Fell-Carlson (FCN), Lead Educator; Geeta Barr (Health Minister), Salem, OR; Myra Hurt (FCN), Columbus, IN; Linda Cutts (FCN), Walla Walla, WA; Patty O’Day (FCN), Sweet Home, OR; Kim Hawkins (FCN), Vancouver, WA; Judi Imig (FCN), Salem, OR; Julie Vaniman (FCN); Olympia, WA; Amanda Huston (FCN), McMinnville, OR; Lisa (Sadie) Blau (Health Minister), Lebanon, OR

2022 Graduates

2022 Graduates

2022 Foundations of Faith Community Nursing and Health Ministry Course – from top left: Tawni Pfaff (FCN), Lead Educator, Deb Fell-Carlson (FCN), Lead Educator; Pastor Janel Hovde (Health Minister), Portland, OR; Rabbi Jonah Freeman (Health Minister), Lebanon, OR; Cari Moodie, Faith Community Nursing Regional Regional Coordinator, Western Idaho; Karen Burger (Health Minister), Lebanon, OR; Meredith Meyer (FCN), Lincoln County, OR; Carol Vos (FCN), Bay County, MI

2021 Graduates

2021 Graduates

2021 Foundations of Faith Community Nursing and Health Ministry Course – from top left: Kimberly Lawrence (FCN), Springfield, OR; Deb Fell-Carlson (FCN), Lead Educator; Tawni Pfaff (FCN), Lead Educator, Patty Adams (FCN), Tangent, OR; Laura Capranica (FCN), Stanley, NC; Jonet Schutz (FCN), Salem Area Coordinator and course co-host; Wendy Fierro (Health Minister), Lebanon, OR; Beverly Munday (FCN), Raleigh, NC; Susan Blakely (FCN), Raleigh, NC; Pastor Lydia Tatum, Raleigh, NC, Donna Crawford (FCN), Springfield, OR; Beth Davis (FCN), Durham, NC; Franny Goodrich (FCN), Milwaukie, OR; Beatriz Vazquez (Health Minister), Denver, CO; Kiersten Erickson (Health Minister), Sweet Home, OR; Louise Glenn (Health Minister), Albany, OR; Pat Nelson (Health Minister), Raleigh, NC

2020 Graduates

2020 Graduates

2020 Foundations of Faith Community Nursing and Health Ministry Course: Starting at top left, Marcy Shanks (FCN), Lebanon, OR; Deb Fell-Carlson (FCN), Lead Educator, Lebanon, OR; Patricia Meier, (FCN), Turner, OR; Patsy Wilkinson (FCN) and Nancy McPherson (FCN), Lebanon, OR; Debbie Leckie (FCN), Lebanon, OR; Susan Dennie (FCN), Olympia, WA; Susan Pfanner (Health Minister), Springfield, OR; Lise Pettigrew (FCN), Snohomish, WA; Shirley Byrd (Health Minister), Lebanon, OR; Jane Dahl (Health Minister), Canby, OR; Rebecca Flores (FCN), Rocky Point, NC; Jonet Schutz (FCN), Assistant Instructor and Zoom Co-Host; Tiffany Wadlow (FCN), Lebanon, OR; Sally Diehm (FCN), Assistant Instructor, Springfield, OR; Tawni Pfaff (FCN), Lebanon, OR; Gladys Wardlaw (Health Minister), Lebanon, OR; Nancie Parmenter (FCN), Vancouver, WA; Nancy Shoji, (Health Minister), Vancouver, WA

2018 Graduates

2018 Graduates

2018 Foundations of Faith Community Nursing and Health Ministry Course. (Not pictured, Annette Stixrud, Lead Educator; Deb Fell-Carlson, Faith Community Nursing Coordinator) Back row, left to right: Linda Tedisch (FCN), Albany, OR; Susan Freeman (Health Minister), Lebanon, OR; Julie Marie Quillen (FCN), Tacoma, WA; Tami Schoonover (FCN), Sweet Home, OR; middle row, left to right: Kara Warnock (Health Minister), Albany, OR; Nancy Brouhard (FCN), Salem, OR; Cheryl Carandanis (FCN), Damascus, OR; Delores Gassner (FCN), Salem, OR; Shauri Lamkin (FCN), Beaverton, OR

This Foundations of Faith Community Nursing course is based on the curriculum developed through the Westberg Institute for Faith Community Nursing, which curriculum is owned by the Spiritual Care Association of New York, NY, 500 7th Ave, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10018.