Mission Connexion Conference
Representatives from the FCHN attended the international Mission Connexion conference at Sunset Church in Beaverton, January 17-18, 2025. FCHN had an exhibit booth and were able to speak face to face with many of the approximately 2,000 attendees. There were some excellent sessions with speakers from all over the world sharing about their ministries. The exhibit hall was equally diverse, with mission organizations providing materials for attendees. It was a wonderful experience all around!
Health-Related Social Needs Grant Update
FCHN leaders have been working with consultants from Vibe Health Solutions to develop infrastructure to allow us to refer individuals for services related to nutrition, climate, and housing more efficiently, and to allow FCHN and our team to receive reimbursement for the time spent on these activities. FCHN’s primary function is Outreach and Education (O&E) under this grant and efforts are ongoing with many meetings throughout each week to work on various aspects.
FaceBook and Social Media
Have you “liked” and do you “follow” our FCHN FaceBook page? Please do so! Reaching a certain audience size improves functionality; something we need!
Community nursing (including faith community nursing!) reimbursement update
FCHN is working at the local, state, and national level to help move legislation forward to allow direct reimbursement for nurses delivering care in the community. Active collaboration is ongoing with the Health Ministries Association, American Nurses Association, Oregon Nurses Association, Oregon Health Sciences University, and others to move this into the spotlight. A hearing on Oregon Senate Bill 529 which would allow direct reimbursement for community nursing, including faith community nursing, and community health workers was held on March 6, 2025, and Erica Chavez, Melissa Isavoran, and Deb Fell-Carlson testified in support of the Bill. Ron Steele attended the hearing as well. There was no opposing testimony. Track Senate Bill 529 on the Oregon Legislature website.
Do you have your National Provider Number (NPI)?
FCHN, Westberg Institute for Faith Community Nursing, the American Nurses Association, and the Health Ministries Association encourage ALL REGISTERED NURSES to obtain a National Provider Number in anticipation of direct reimbursement for community nursing. The American Nurses Foundation (ANF) has launched a well-funded Reimagining Nursing Initiative with a Direct Reimbursement Model as a sub-initiative. This initiative is building evidence to inform researchers on funding/reimbursement pathways for registered nurses (RNs) serving in the community, including FCNs. Nurses who want to be reimbursed for nursing services from third party payors, such as Medicare, must have a National Provider Number, or NPI.
Learn More!
The ANA has a landing page with information on obtaining an NPI, an ANA position statement describing the value of the NPI for registered nurses, and has created an infographic on unique nurse identifiers.