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Faith Community Health Network launches pilot project in senior housing complex!

Faith Community Health Network launches pilot project in senior housing complex!

The Faith Community Health Network received funds to embark on a pilot project at GardenView Apartments in Lebanon, OR.

Faith community nurses will staff a Health Resource Center there for a few hours a month. The FCHN purchased the necessary equipment to equip a small consultation room. Linn-Benton Community College Nursing Students were on hand to help with the consents and intake assessments for residents who want to participate in the project. The faith community nurses are completely independent and serve autonomously within the Oregon State Board of Nursing guidelines as unpaid professionals.

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Education, Support, and Networking

for FCNs & Health Ministers

We’re supporting faith community nurses and health ministers bringing access to preventive care to faith communities in Linn, Benton, and Lincoln counties of Oregon and beyond.